My Christian Worldview

Conversations With AI

Discover, Develop, and Articulate Your Faith

Strive for Unity with all of your Brothers in Christ

but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood

Ephesians chapter 6 explains the spiritual warfare aspects of the Christian faith well. This is the statement proposed to AI for response. Follow the dialogue:

The Apostle Paul says "Pray Always, in the Spirit"

In reality, the prosperity gospel, the obsession with material gain, the relativity of truth, the exaltation of self over God - these could rightly be understood as tools of the enemy leveraged to distract people from biblical truth and Godliness.

Evil and Dark Forces Hidden in Plain Sight

"Jesus said, I am the way, and the truth, and the life

No one comes to the Father except through me.'" (John 14:6)

Helping to create a Biblical View of the World for Children!

Here you will find Biblical stories and narratives suited for the middle school kids.

This website serves as the comprehensive integration of the three books bearing the same title. These books present a form of systematic theology that is written for anyone. Systematic theology is typically thought to be the domain of clergy, yet it is important for everyone. Understanding and articulating your beliefs, knowing why you hold them, and being able to defend them are crucial aspects of faith. It is my aspiration that this site aids you in exploring and expressing your Christian worldview.

This website consists of dozens of discussions with artificial intelligence (AI). Generally, the human question or statement is designated by bold, italicized, and underlined expression. The response given by AI will be in normal text. Most of the answers given by AI are expressed with a Biblical worldview, as requested. Sometimes not. Often, even responses solicited in that manner, tend to have secular tones. One must take into account that AI is programed to seek out and research material from millions of sources from the digital world. As you would suppose, most of that is of the secular nature. Artificial intelligence is not really intelligence as we would define it. It is actually an algorithmic programming.

As AI itself explains it: Artificial intelligence is like a computer program that can do smart things, but it's not really "smart" like humans. It's more like a super-fast calculator that uses lots of information to give the best answers or do tasks, kind of like how your smartphone can suggest words when you type. It's all based on rules and patterns that it learns from tons of examples. So, it's not really thinking or understanding like we do, but it can be really helpful in many ways.

I offer responses to the AI's statements that both challenge its views and allow them to stand, as one might do when having a normal dialogue with another person. We may agree or disagree on various topics, which is to be expected. While these conversations convey my perspectives, my goal in sharing them on this platform is to enable you to have your own enriching discussions with AI technology and refine your worldview. I sincerely hope engaging with AI can support and uplift your Christian faith journey.

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