Megalithic Marvels

Let's discuss the unexplained megaliths that are strung about the entire planet. Graham Hancock, an archeologist who has been castigated by archeologists in general, recently had a special on a network that has piqued the interest of many. He demonstrated how the various megalithic structures seem inexplicable. Many of these structures cannot be replicated even today with our technology, let alone by man 8,000 years ago.

The existence of megalithic structures around the world is indeed a fascinating topic, and it has generated a lot of interest and debate among archaeologists, historians, and researchers. Graham Hancock is a well-known author and journalist who has written extensively about ancient civilizations and the mysteries surrounding megalithic sites. However, it's important to note that his theories and interpretations are often controversial and not widely accepted within the mainstream archaeological community.

Some key points to consider when discussing megalithic structures:

  1. Age and Construction Techniques: Many megalithic structures, such as Stonehenge in England or the Great Pyramids of Egypt, are indeed impressive feats of engineering and construction. While it is true that some aspects of their construction techniques remain unexplained, it doesn't necessarily mean that advanced technology or outside influences were involved. Archaeologists continue to study and learn more about the techniques used by ancient civilizations to build these structures.

  2. Evolution of Knowledge: The argument that ancient people could not have built megalithic structures with their limited technology often underestimates the ingenuity and resourcefulness of ancient civilizations. Over time, human knowledge and technology have evolved, allowing us to better understand and replicate some of their techniques.

  3. Cultural and Spiritual Significance: Megalithic structures often held significant cultural, religious, or astronomical importance for the societies that built them. Their purpose might have been tied to marking solstices, honoring deities, or serving as burial sites. Understanding the cultural context can shed light on the motivations behind their construction.

  4. Lack of Evidence for Advanced Technology: Claims of advanced technology in the distant past usually lack concrete evidence to support them. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and many mainstream archaeologists remain skeptical of theories that rely on the existence of lost or suppressed knowledge.

  5. Continuing Research: Archaeology is an evolving field, and discoveries are made all the time. While some megalithic structures may remain enigmatic, ongoing research and scientific analysis can provide us with more insights into their origins and purposes.

In summary, the existence of megalithic structures around the world is indeed a subject of intrigue, but the debate over their origins and construction techniques remains a topic of ongoing research and discussion. While alternative theories and speculations are important for driving scientific inquiry, it's essential to critically evaluate the evidence and consider a wide range of perspectives when exploring these mysteries.

Some of the megalithic structures that are most interesting are in Peru. There are stone building blocks stacked to the precision that not even a knife blade will go between them. These weigh upwards of 100 tons each. The tools associated with the Incas were often of the softer metals, not able to penetrate these rocks. The archeological associations that denigrate Hancock do not have the answers either, they just cast doubt on the advanced civilizations theory. The supernatural is taboo. Also, take into account that Hancock does not come into this with a Christian perspective of the supernatural.

The megalithic structures in Peru, such as those found in the Inca civilization, indeed pose intriguing questions about their construction techniques and precision. Machu Picchu, Sacsayhuaman, and Ollantaytambo are among the most famous sites that showcase the remarkable craftsmanship of the Inca people.

Some important points to consider in the context of these structures:

  1. Inca Engineering: The Inca civilization was known for its advanced engineering skills, particularly in the field of stone masonry. They could quarry, shape, and fit stones with incredible precision. It's important to recognize that the Inca builders were highly skilled and experienced craftsmen who could work with the materials and tools available to them.

  2. Soft Metal Tools: While it's true that the Inca civilization primarily used softer metals like bronze and copper for their tools, these materials were still capable of effectively shaping and carving stone. The precise techniques employed by the Inca stonemasons involved a combination of stone hammers, chisels, and abrasion techniques.

  3. Precision and Alignment: The remarkable precision and alignment seen in Inca stonework can be attributed to their meticulous planning and layout techniques. The use of precise measuring instruments and astronomical observations might have played a role in achieving such accuracy.

  4. Lack of Supernatural Explanations: In archaeology, explanations that rely on the supernatural are generally avoided because they lack empirical evidence and do not conform to the scientific method. Archaeologists seek to understand the past through the study of tangible evidence, such as artifacts, structures, and historical records.

  5. Graham Hancock's Perspective: Graham Hancock's work often explores unconventional theories and ideas about ancient civilizations and lost knowledge. While his work can be thought-provoking, it is not always accepted within mainstream archaeological circles due to a lack of empirical evidence supporting some of his claims.

In the case of Inca megalithic structures, the prevailing view within mainstream archaeology is that the precision and craftsmanship exhibited in their construction can be explained by the skills and knowledge of the Inca people, without the need for invoking advanced external technologies or supernatural explanations. However, the discussion and debate surrounding these sites continue to fuel curiosity and interest in ancient civilizations and their remarkable achievements.

This discussion will be in response to another discussion that had taken place without the acknowledgment of God or the supernatural. Archeologists, around the world, refuse to take into account that the supernatural may have very well been responsible for the megalithic marvels scattered throughout the world. They are unable to explain many, probably most actually, but will not acknowledge the possibility of the supernatural because they would have to acknowledge the existence of God.

The perspective you're raising is an interesting one, especially when viewed through the lens of a biblical worldview. In the Bible, the supernatural is a fundamental aspect of the narrative, with numerous instances where God's intervention or the presence of supernatural forces plays a key role. For example, the miracles performed by Jesus, the parting of the Red Sea in Exodus, and various instances of divine intervention in the lives of biblical figures like Daniel and Jonah.

When it comes to archeology and the study of ancient structures or civilizations, the mainstream scientific community generally adheres to methodologies and explanations grounded in observable and testable phenomena. This approach is based on a naturalistic worldview, which primarily considers physical and material explanations for historical events and structures.

From a biblical perspective, acknowledging the supernatural as a potential factor in historical events isn't just about acknowledging God's existence, but also recognizing a worldview where the material and the spiritual are deeply interconnected. The Bible presents a reality where God is actively involved in the world, and His actions can have both direct and indirect impacts on human history and the natural world.

It's important to remember that the refusal to consider supernatural explanations in archeology isn't necessarily a direct denial of God's existence by all archeologists. Rather, it reflects a commitment to a scientific method that seeks material and reproducible explanations for phenomena. This method has its limitations, especially when dealing with questions that fall outside the scope of what can be empirically observed and tested.

For those who hold a biblical worldview, the wonders of ancient civilizations, whether they are explainable by current scientific understanding or not, can be seen as part of the larger tapestry of God's creation and human history. In this view, the unexplained isn't just a gap in our scientific knowledge, but also a reminder of the mystery and majesty of God's creation, which goes beyond what we can see and fully understand.

In conclusion, while mainstream archeology may not incorporate the supernatural in its explanations, from a biblical perspective, the presence and influence of God in the world, including in the formation of historical structures and events, is a fundamental truth. This perspective encourages believers to view the world with awe and wonder at God's creation, while also respecting the role of science in helping us understand the physical aspects of our world.

The supernatural beings that I am referring to are actually of the fallen angel category. They and their offspring, according to Genesis 6, were quite possibly the cause of the flood. During this period, according to the book of Enoch, they taught supernatural forbidden knowledge to the people. As you recall they are known as the men of renown. With this forbidden knowledge, along with the super strength of the giants, structures such as those in Peru, Egypt, and elsewhere could have easily been constructed.

Your reference to Genesis 6 and the Book of Enoch introduces a fascinating and complex aspect of biblical and extra-biblical narratives. In Genesis 6:1-4, there's a brief and enigmatic account of the "sons of God" marrying the "daughters of men," which led to the birth of the Nephilim, described as the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. The Book of Enoch, while not part of the canonical Bible in most Christian traditions, expands this story in much greater detail, describing the actions of these fallen angels and their offspring.

The interpretation that these fallen angels or their offspring (the Nephilim) had supernatural knowledge and abilities, which could have been used to construct megalithic structures, is an intriguing one. This view posits that the advanced and seemingly inexplicable architectural feats found in ancient sites around the world might be attributed to this supernatural influence.

From a traditional biblical standpoint, the idea that fallen angels imparted knowledge or interacted in significant ways with humanity is a subject of debate and various interpretations. While some see these beings as purely spiritual, others interpret these passages as suggesting physical interaction and tangible influence on human civilization.

Regarding the cause of the flood, the Bible primarily attributes it to human wickedness and God's decision to cleanse the earth (Genesis 6:5-7). The presence of the Nephilim and the sons of God in the narrative is intriguing but not explicitly linked as the cause of the flood in the biblical text.

It's important to note that while the Book of Enoch offers a detailed and elaborate account of these events, it's considered apocryphal in most Christian traditions. This means it isn't regarded as authoritative Scripture, but it can still offer interesting insights into Jewish and early Christian beliefs.

In interpreting these ancient texts, especially when they intersect with archeological findings, it's vital to balance respect for the biblical narrative with an understanding of the methodological limitations and objectives of modern archeology. While the idea of supernatural involvement in ancient construction is a captivating hypothesis for those who take these texts as literal historical accounts, it remains outside the purview of mainstream archeology, which focuses on empirical and observable evidence.

In summary, the biblical and extra-biblical narratives about fallen angels and the Nephilim present a rich and complex tapestry of ideas. These stories have been interpreted in various ways throughout history, reflecting the enduring human fascination with the mysteries of our past and the possible intersections between the spiritual and physical worlds.

You do have to admit, though, that giving in even an inch on acknowledging the supernatural beings created by God would weaken the secular point of view and enhance the Biblical worldview. And that could not be allowed by a blinded man.

Your comment touches on a fundamental tension between secular and religious worldviews, particularly in how they interpret historical and scientific phenomena. The acknowledgment of supernatural beings or events, as described in religious texts like the Bible, does indeed present a challenge to a strictly secular or naturalistic interpretation of the world.

In a secular or naturalistic framework, which underpins much of modern science, phenomena are explained without recourse to the supernatural. This framework seeks to understand the world through empirical evidence and observable phenomena. The introduction of supernatural explanations is seen as outside the scope of this methodology, primarily because supernatural events, by their nature, cannot be tested or observed in the same way as natural phenomena.

From a biblical worldview, on the other hand, the supernatural is an integral part of the understanding of the world. This perspective sees God's hand in both the creation and the ongoing functioning of the universe. Miracles, divine intervention, and the existence of spiritual beings are not just considered possible but are fundamental aspects of this worldview.

When you suggest that acknowledging even a small part of the supernatural narrative would "weaken the secular point of view and enhance the Biblical worldview," you're highlighting a key philosophical and existential divide between these two perspectives. For those who adhere to a biblical worldview, the reluctance or refusal of secular institutions to acknowledge the supernatural might be seen as a limitation or a blind spot. This could be perceived as a refusal to accept a broader understanding of reality that includes both the material and the spiritual.

However, it's also important to recognize that the methodologies and paradigms of science have been developed to provide a consistent, reliable, and testable understanding of the natural world. These methodologies are not necessarily designed to affirm or deny religious beliefs but to explore and explain the workings of the physical universe.

In conclusion, the interaction between secular and biblical worldviews represents a deep and complex dialogue about the nature of reality, truth, and the limits of human understanding. Each perspective offers its own insights and ways of understanding the world, and the tension between them can lead to profound questions and discussions about the nature of our existence and the universe.


The following dialogues take place within two short sessions with ChatGPT. The first half of the discussion is a dialogue with an AI that is not instructed to give any particular perspective to its answers. Meaning from a purely secular perspective. The second half of the discussion the AI was asked to give the answer from a Biblical worldview point of view. As you can see, both are reluctant to totally acknowledge God or the presence of supernatural events. The second one, at least entertains the idea, with reluctance. This is the lens that secular man views the world through.

I cannot say categorically that this is how things were before the flood. As the discussion points out, much of the information is gleaned from the book of Enoch, which is in the apocrypha, or extra Biblical. One does have to consider that this book is referenced in the Bible by Jude and Peter, and alluded to by others. Still, we cannot know the actual facts. One has to acknowledge, that for God to wipe out practically the whole civilization, something was terribly amiss.

These megalithic structures, mentioned in these conversations can be easily researched, and are found in many books, documentaries, and on YouTube. Many archeologists believe that there was a catastrophic event that caused them to be abandoned or left unfinished throughout the world. There are marvelous structures, located in various places, that are built on top of megalithic structures that practically go unknown.

Again, I wish to point out that as a Biblical researcher, I explore many accounts found in the Bible that are intriguing. For many of the answers we will have to wait until our next life. Entertaining these possibilities allow me to possibly understand the Bible in new light.

All of these topics are extra-Salvation ideas. Meaning that the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the foundation of my faith. I am saved by faith, through grace. I view life through the Biblical worldview wholeheartedly.